EMERGENCY PHONES: Dr. jur. Stephan Prinz M.A.  +49 (0)173 - 537 24 44  /  Goran Bronisch   +49 (0)179 - 746 86 57

Logo Dr. Prinz & Bronisch- Rechtsanwälte in überörtlicher Sozietät

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As specialized defense lawyers, we fight for your rights nationwide and always with a sense of proportion.

The supra-local law firm Dr. Prinz & Bronisch arose from the cooperation of the criminal defense lawyers Dr. jur. Stephan Prinz M.A. and Goran Bronisch.
Our many years of specialization and further training exclusively in the field of criminal law give you the security of not being exposed to unnecessary risks in criminal proceedings.

In criminal proceedings, the state's claim to punishment and the client's interests in freedom collide.

The presumption of innocence ‚in dubio pro reo', which is basically standardized by the state, often does not count for much.

The state organs, especially the police, the public prosecutor's office and the court, quickly read ‚their’  truth from the files.

Here it is up to the experienced defense lawyer to bring the presumption of innocence back into the proceedings and ultimately to shake the conviction of the court.

All procedural and defense rights to which the accused is entitled must be asserted by the defense lawyer in a fearless and unyielding manner, regardless of the phase of the proceedings.



His legal services focus on property offences and narcotics law as well as criminal tax law and commercial crime law.
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His legal services focus on
contract law
as well as
criminal tax law
and commercial crime law.
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Rechtsanwälte Dr. Prinz & Bronisch

Make an appointment now!

Law Office RA Dr. jur. Stephan Prinz M.A.:
Kortumstraße 63, 45130 Essen
Phone: +49 (0)201 - 95 96 850
Telefax: +49 (0)201 - 95 96 852
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Law Office RA Goran Bronisch:
Aachenbachstr. 72, 40237 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (0)211 - 58 68 902
Telefax: +49 (0)211 - 58 68 903
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. jur. Stephan Prinz M.A.  +49 (0)173 - 537 24 44 - Goran Bronisch   +49 (0)179 - 746 86 57